"No. 1 Almaty Kazakh Humanitarian and Pedagogical College" KMKK

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In educational organizations during the pandemic,  On strengthening measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care

Students and pupils, of teachers, in order to ensure the safety of life and health of other employees of educational organizations, as well as during the pandemic period declared by the World Health Organization of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection (further - coronavirus infection) to prevent the spread of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor 2020 from 12 March no 20 on the basis of the resolution I order:

  1. Educational organizations, areas, Nur-Sultan, Heads of education departments of Almaty and Shymkent cities:

1) education, educational organizations carrying out educational activities, including in boarding schools, take measures to strengthen sanitary-epidemiological and preventive measures in hostels;

2) of the current year 13 ban mass events from March (festive, concert, cultural, sports events, conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc. b.);

3) international sports of students, cultural, touristic
ban him from going to events;

4)  switched to online mode, meetings should be minimized;

5) of paragraph 1 of this order 1), 2), 3) taking into account subsections,  to carry out activities of pre-school organizations in regular mode,
provide free visit regime at the request of parents and legal representatives, in the absence of children, ensure that the child's place in the preschool organization is preserved;

6) additional educational organizations, activity of psychological and pedagogical correctional offices 2020 from 5 should be suspended until April;

7) paragraph 1 of this order 1, 2, 3 taking into account subsections, to conduct the activities of educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care on a full-time basis, restrict the entry of outsiders.

  1. For the current year 16 technical and vocational from March, list of documents required for teachers of post-secondary education, using distance education technologies and other methods that enable the implementation of the learning process in higher and post-higher educational institutions, training should be provided.
  2. It is attached to the order:

1-technical and professional in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection during the pandemic according to the appendix, methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process in post-secondary educational organizations;

2-in secondary educational institutions according to the appendix 2019-2020 methodological recommendations for ensuring the completion of the third quarter of the academic year;

3-according to the appendix, methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection during the pandemic period;

  1. Spring break in secondary educational organizations - 21 day (2020 from 16 since March 5 including April) to determine.
  2. During the spring break, teachers are excluded from the regime (outside the educational institution) provide the opportunity to work.
  3. For the current year 16 general education from March, by supporting distance education technologies in night schools belonging to other organizations, provide training.
  4. The program of teacher training courses in online format and (Minister of Education and Science) the period of training courses for pedagogues should be changed to the second half of the current year, to continue conducting online courses (Independent educational organizations "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"., Joint Stock Company "Orleu National Training Center"., "Böbek" National Scientific-Practical Institute, educational and health center, Republican educational and methodical additional education center, National center of scientific and practical physical education, Y. National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin, "Okulyk" republican scientific and practical center, National Scientific and Practical Center of Correctional Pedagogy and others).
  5. "Baldauren" republican educational and recreation center", "Böbek" National Scientific-Practical Institute, educational and health center" – stop accepting children in educational and recreational organizations throughout the year.
  6. IV stage of the republican Olympiad of schoolchildren in general subjects, The holding of the national intellectual Olympiad for village schools "Thousand Children" should be postponed to the longest possible period.
  7. Employers - heads of educational organizations have the opportunity to determine the following by adopting the appropriate act of the employer:

1) employees who provide the breath and activity of educational organizations directly in the organization (administration, technical staff);

2) education on the basis of distance technologies in the excluded mode, employees who implement work activities to ensure the educational process;

3) consider the employees going on regular leave according to the schedule.

  1. Departments of quality assurance in the field of education of the committee for quality assurance in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) Medium, list of documents required for teachers of post-secondary education, high and (Minister of Education and Science) monitoring of educational organizations for the possibility of distance learning in post-higher educational organizations (Further – monitoring) let it be realized;

2) Intermediate final monitoring of the quality assurance committee in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2020 from 18 should be submitted by the March deadline;

3) in the future, submit information on monitoring results to the Committee every week.

  1. Structural subdivisions and departments of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan take other measures resulting from this order and methodological recommendations..
  2. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Vice Ministers of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who are in charge.
  3. This order comes into force from the date of signing.

Minister A. Aimagambetov

This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication

Minister of Education and Science

2020 of " "

to order no

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Technical and professional, instruction on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions providing post-secondary education

  1. Technical and professional, post-secondary education (further – TVET) the head of the organization educates students on all issues of organizing the educational process during the pandemic period, teachers, other employees, parents (legal representatives of children), including available communication types, provides information through the Internet resources of the educational organization.
  2. The head of the VET organization of the students, takes measures to organize the educational process to ensure the sanitary-epidemiological health of teachers and other employees, brings it to the attention of the participants of the educational process, immediately informs the higher management body about the measures taken.
  3. The administration of the VET organization conducts explanatory work with all participants of the educational process:

  – everyone's health, responsibility for precautions;

– with students, including using information and communication technologies, individual and (Minister of Education and Science) organization of group work.

  1. The administration of the VET organization is with the higher education management body, carries out daily communication with other state bodies on the organization of the educational process and other issues.

The procedure for organizing the educational process in VET organizations


  1. Organization of the educational process to the specified educational load, to the educational work plan, to training programs, is carried out according to the lesson schedule and schedule.
  2. The VET organization conducts training using information and communication technologies, Medium, State mandatory standard of post-secondary education, implements training programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process.

If necessary, to the schedule of the educational process, amendments will be introduced due to the need to create a flexible organizational form of teaching the content of educational programs.

  1. Electronic platforms and other electronic sources for all participants of the educational process to organize the educational process (video lessons, freelance online work, online courses, chat lessons, web lessons, teleconference, skype, tele-lessons, module, zoom, email address, whatsapp chat, telegrams and others) permission is granted.
  2. The organization of industrial training classes and the passing of industrial practice will be postponed to a later date.   At the same time, it is allowed to send students to professional practice in the next academic period. The assessment of the professional practice of the graduate group is a previously mastered study, industrial and pre-diploma internships (further) according to the conclusions, and in their absence, industrial training, determined by the results of laboratory-practical lessons.
  3. State scholarships for students of VET organizations "Assignment of state scholarships for students in educational organizations, on the approval of payment principles and their amounts" of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2008 from 7 is paid monthly in accordance with Resolution No. 116 of February.


Activities of participants in the educational process of VET organizations

Heads of VET organizations:

– work plan of the educational organization;

– lesson schedule;

– conditions for organizing the learning process, it creates a technical condition;

– carries out regular monitoring and control of the organization of the educational process;

– with teachers, with students and their parents (with legal representatives of children) implements feedback;

– organizes the work of teachers and other employees of the organization;

– makes managerial decisions aimed at increasing the quality of work.

Deputy Heads, department heads, methodologists:

– work aimed at students' mastery of educational programs- organizes the development of measures;

– study materials, including electronic educational and methodological complexes, organizes work on the formation of electronic educational resources;

– The lesson schedule posted on the Internet resources of the VET organization, creates a training schedule;

– determines the organization of educational activities of students together with teachers: teaching methods and approaches, deadlines for students to receive assignments and presentation of their completed work.

– to all participants of the educational process (to teachers, students, to parents of students (legal representatives), to other employees) organizes work and informs about training results;

– using information and communication technologies, provides methodological support during the organization of the educational process;

– organizes activities of teachers and feedback with them according to the approved work schedule;

– monitors the educational process and the current monitoring of knowledge and the conduct of final attestation;

– provides feedback to the participants of the educational process;

– coordinates the work on fulfilling the teaching load of teachers;

– Analyzes the activities of VET organizations.


– calendar-thematic plans (in the short and medium term) corrects;

– to websites, to electronic libraries, etc. b. using links, implements planning and structuring of educational materials in a timely manner;

– agrees on the types of work with the deputy head of educational work;

– optimal and different types of work (video lessons, own work, online courses, chat lessons, web lessons, teleconferencing and
something else), available information and communication technologies (electronic magazine, skype, tele-lessons, module, zoom, email address, whatsaapchats, telegrams etc. b.) uses;

– information about the types of work used by learners, of their parents (legal representatives) brings to attention in time;

– according to the approved study schedule, including conducting classes on self-monitoring of work;

– students, including individual counseling for children with special educational needs;

– Monitors learning progress and attendance;

– informs the administration about the work carried out and its results.

Teachers acting as group leaders:

– parents (legal representatives) about work order, about schedule changes, on the organization of the educational process, about the progress and conclusions of educational activities of students, including the use of information and communication technologies and informs about the independent work of learners and pupils;

– with students, with children and their parents (with legal representatives) communicates daily;

– informs the administration about the work done.


– communicates with teachers daily;

– with the lesson schedule through available means of communication, with topics, get acquainted with the content;

– every day to the student's office (if any), uses e-mail and other communication systems and technologies to obtain study material for independent study;

– performs tasks independently on a daily basis using available means of communication established by the educational organization;

– presents tasks performed according to the requirements of teachers every day, scan (or photo), means of communication available to the teacher about completed tasks (email address, whatsapp chats etc. b.) sent through;

– adheres to the principles of academic integrity and self-control while performing academic tasks;

– uses available electronic resources.

Parents of students (legal representatives):

– with a work schedule, with a lesson schedule, gets acquainted with the process of organizing educational work;

– monitors students' performance of tasks;

– teachers, communicates with group leaders;

– creates conditions for learning.


This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication

Minister of Education and Science

2020 of " "

to order no

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Guidelines for the organization of the educational process in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection in higher educational institutions during the pandemic


  1. High and (Minister of Education and Science) post-graduate education (further – JJOOKBB) head of the organization students, POK, other employees, including available communication types, provides information through the Internet resources of the educational organization.
  2. The head of the organization ЖХООКББ of the students, Takes measures to organize the educational process to ensure the sanitary-epidemiological health of the POW and other employees, brings it to the attention of the participants of the educational process, immediately informs the higher management body about the measures taken.
  3. The administration of the ЖХООКББ organization conducts explanatory work with all participants of the educational process:

– maintaining health, responsibility for precautions;

– with students, including information and communication technologies (KBBT) using, individual and (Minister of Education and Science) organization of group work.

  1. The administration of the organization of ХХООКББ is with the higher education management body, carries out daily communication with other state bodies on issues of interaction.

The procedure for organizing the educational process in the organizations of the ХХООКББ


  1. Organization of the educational process to the specified educational load, to the educational work plan, to training programs, is carried out according to the lesson schedule and schedule.
  2. ЖХООКББ organization conducts training using information and communication technologies, MZHBS, implements training programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process.

If necessary, to the schedule of the educational process, amendments will be made to the content of educational programs due to the need to improve the educational process and create a flexible organizational form of education.

  1. Electronic platforms and other electronic sources for all participants of the educational process to organize the educational process (online lectures, video lectures, video lessons, freelance online work, online courses, chat lessons, web lessons, teleconference, skype, tele-lessons, MOODLE, ZOOM, MICROSOFT, email address, telegrams and others) permission is granted.
  2. Pedagogical and production practice periods are changed.
  3. State scholarships for students of ЖЙОКББ organizations "Appointment of state scholarships for students in educational organizations, on the approval of payment principles and their amounts" of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2008 from 7 February № 116 is paid monthly according to the resolution.



Activity of the participants in the educational process of the organizations of ХХООКББ

Heads of the organizations of ХХООКББ:

It is approved by the head of the ХХООКББ organization:

– organization for the organization of the learning process, technical, information and communication technologies (KBBT) creates situations with use;

– carries out regular monitoring and control of the organization of the educational process;

– POK, implements feedback with students and their parents;

– organizes the work of pedagogical and other employees of the organization;

– makes managerial decisions aimed at increasing the quality of work.

First vice-rectors and vice-rectors for academic affairs:

– work aimed at students' mastery of educational programs- organizes the development of measures;

– study materials, including electronic educational and methodological complexes, organizes work on the formation of electronic educational resources;

– The schedule of classes posted on the Internet resources of the organization ЖХООКББ, creates a training schedule;

– to all participants of the educational process (to teachers, students, students, to other employees) organizes work and informs about training results;

– information and communication technologies (KBBT) using, provides methodological support during the organization of the educational process;

– organizes activities of teachers and feedback with them according to the approved work schedule;

– monitors the educational process and the current monitoring of knowledge and other forms of final attestation;

– coordinates the work on fulfilling the teaching load of teachers;

– Analyzes the activity of ХХООКББ organizations.

Deans and department heads:

– using distance education technology, POK ensures the development and deployment of methodological support materials for the educational process;

– provides constant monitoring of the implementation of the educational process using distance education technology;

– Optimum and different types of work (online lectures, video lectures, own work, online courses and more), available information and communication technologies (skype, MOODLE, ZOOM, MICROSOFT, email address, telegram etc. b.) uses;

Curators and Office registrars:

using distance education technology, provides registration/re-registration of students (if necessary);

Provides access to information systems using distance education technology for educational institutions and students;

– informs the administration about the work done.


– communicates with teachers daily;

– with the lesson schedule through available means of communication, with topics, get acquainted with the content;

– every day to the student's office (if any), uses e-mail and other communication systems and technologies to obtain study material for independent study;

– performs tasks independently on a daily basis using available means of communication established by the educational organization;

– tasks performed daily according to the requirements of teachers;

– observes the principles of academic integrity;

– uses available electronic resources.

This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication

Minister of Education and Science

2020 of " "

to order no

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2019-2020 of the third quarter of the academic year

instructions on organizing the end


Due to the announcement of spring break in secondary education organizations from March 16 to April 5, 2020, regardless of the type of ownership:

  1. 2020 from 12 from March 14 organization and conduct of the third quarter of the TSE until March.
  2. In case of non-conducting of the PES, only the PES can be conducted.
  3. Tasks of ТШШ and ШШШ must not include topics that were not covered during the summative assessment.
  4. More than three accidents in one day, BJB should not be held. The number of EDs in the third quarter due to the model curriculum:

1-classes are 4.

2-classes are 5.

3-classes are 6.

4-classes are 6.

5, 6-classes are 7.

8, 9-classes are 11.

10-11-classes are 10.

  1. Avoiding additional burden on students.
  2. For students who have been absent from classes for a long time due to health conditions, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan will organize a separate schedule of training at the beginning of the 4th quarter. 26.11.2019 is carried out in accordance with order No. 509 of, then a quarterly assessment is made.
  3. 2020 of the year 14 to March (inclusive) to ensure the setting of prices according to the results of the third quarter.
  4. If necessary, summative assessment of students should be held on Saturdays (2020 from 14 January).
  5. "Physical training" in the invariant component of students during the vacation period, "Art work", "Self-Knowledge", "Music", "Graphics and Design", "Entrepreneurship and business basics", In all subjects, except for the subjects "Initial military and technological training", it is recommended to submit the materials of study tasks for unlearned goals at the end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter..
  6. ____________________________________________ 16 from March 20 to March and 3 from April 5 learning objectives for materials not covered by April, short thesis synopsis, links to textbooks and electronic resources, at the same time prepares a lesson plan with educational tasks.
  7. "Diary" of teachers and parents during vacation, "Educate", It is necessary to ensure access to electronic magazines "Mektep KZ"..
  8. Teachers should establish mandatory feedback in the electronic journal and online mode with students and parents about the performance of the tasks according to the educational goals that have not been passed..
  9. Available information and communication technologies (electronic journal, skype, tele-lessons, google.сlassroom, moоdlе, zoom, e-mail, watsap chats, opik.kz, telegram generation, etc.) recommend using;
  10. Strengthening information and explanatory work for students on the prevention of infectious diseases based only on official information.
  11. 3-In order to change the start date of the vacation days in the quarter, it is necessary to perform the following step-by-step actions in the electronic journal:


Step-1. 16-20 cancellation of the lesson schedule for ALL classes between March.

Work with lesson details after publishing the timetable (to add, processing and disposal) is carried out directly in the grid of the accounting period.

Pay attentionThe procedure for cleaning the table is to delete all data associated with its classes: he is – general information about the lesson, prices, attendance marks, homework and class comments.

It is possible to clear the table for a week or for the entire accounting period. For that:


  • "Lesson Schedule"
  • Select a class and click on its name
  • select the appropriate week
  • Press the "Clear" button

________________________________________________________________________________: The schedule is cleared only for the selected week.

Enter your current password, You need to press the "Clear" button.

2-In an open lesson for Nazarbayevaman. During the accounting periodgi  third of the quarter ending change the date.

It is necessary for this:

* "Education"

* transition to school management

* Transition to "accounting periods".

* choose the appropriate accounting period

* 3-display the end date of the quarter: 13.03.2020

3-Step. Consolidate/compile the subject of the lesson.

spring – 13 day (2020 from 21 January – 2 including April);

1-in classes: additional vacation – 7 day

(2020 from 3-9 including February).

________________________________________________________________________________! In preschool classes:

autumn vacation – 7 day (2019 from 28 General assessment of the state of physical training – 3 including November),

winter – 14 day (2019 from 27 General assessment of the state of physical training – 2020 from 9 including January),

spring – 15 day (2020 from 21 January – 4 including April);

additional vacation – 7 day (2020 from 3-9 including February) is set.

Classes are held on holidays, with days subject to weather conditions, quarantine declaration if applicable, by combining/integrating the topic/learning objectives with related/similar topics/learning objectives in the subject, A small number of hours of training is required before or after those days. In this case, additional hours are not considered. The topics of combined lessons are written in one line in the journal. These conditions do not affect teachers' salaries, study hours are considered completed.

It is recommended to issue easy learning objectives, you can't plan writing assignments. Based on the order of the head of the educational organization, these changes are implemented through the technical support service of electronic journals.

To group lesson topics in the system:

* Open the "Calendar planning" section;

* 2 click on the date of the topic (1-the topic is basic, 2-that the topic was not covered due to the shortening of the term);

* show two topics in one of the following versions:

1). From February 1 to February 1 at the Almaty Kazakh State Humanitarian Pedagogical CollegeTopic-1. / Topic-2Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college.

2). From February 1 to February 1 at the Almaty Kazakh State Humanitarian Pedagogical CollegeTopic-1. According to the updated program – 2 (order number)Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college.

________________________________________________________________________________: if the class is declared KTZ, then remove it from publication, it is recommended to edit the subject of the lesson by clicking on the "pencil"..

After making all the changes The KTZ should be republished and distributed according to the schedule.

Pay attention! This is how homework is done.

Matching results
14.03.2020 10:57:54: Мелдебекова М. T. (Department of Preschool and Secondary Education) – – agreed without comment
14.03.2020 10:59:45: Kobenova G.. M. (Kobenova G.) – – agreed without comment
14.03.2020 11:04:23: Baizhanov N. A. ( Legal Service Department) – – agreed without comment


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