Instructive and methodological recommendations
on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of technical and vocational, post-secondary education
back to top 2020-2021 school year
- Regarding the organization of the educational process in organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education (further - TVE) during the period of restrictive measures,related to preventing the spread coronavirus infection
The forms of organization of the educational process in TVE organizations are determined depending on the sanitary- epidemiological situation:
1) under enhanced quarantine regime- remote format (using distance learning technologies (Further – DOT);
2) with a steady reduction in the incidence, a combined format is implemented in compliance with strict sanitary safety measures;
3) with further sustainable improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological situation- normal operation with strict sanitary safety measures;
4) full regular regime in compliance with sanitary safety measures.
In normal mode, in compliance with sanitary security measures, colleges are allowed to work, located in rural areas and small towns (by definition of local executive bodies and coordination of the chief state sanitary doctors of the respective territories), as well as colleges under the Committee of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republican State Institution "Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (to 15 students in groups).
The procedure for organizing the educational process in TVET organizations is carried out in accordance with the Methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process in TVET organizations during the period of restrictive measures,related to preventing the spread of the coronavirus (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13 august 2020 Year No. 345)
2.Regarding the organization of the educational process in the specialties of technical and vocational education using modular learning technology
In the new academic year, TVET organizations continue the transition on modular training technology, taking into account the need to master several levels or related qualifications.
When developing working curricula and programs for modular learning technology, it is necessary to be guided by the Appendix 2 to the state obligatory standard of technical and vocational education (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31 October 2018 Year No. 604 "On approval of state compulsory standards of education at all levels of education") and or (in the presence of) Model curricula and programs (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 553 from 31 October 2017 of the year "On the approval of standard curricula and standard curricula in the specialties of technical and vocational education").
To update the content of TVE on the basis of a modular competence-based approach, standard curricula and programs for 246 specialties, the content of which is agreed with employers. Educational institutions have the opportunity with the employer to change the content of the programs up to 50%, with dual training up to 80%. The use of modular programs in the organization of the educational process under the state order is mandatory.
In the absence of qualifications in the TUP, TVET organizations develop working curricula, using a similar approach: basic and professional competencies are formed through the development of basic and professional modules, achievements, students are expressed through learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
When developing working curricula, educational organizations have the right to independently supplement or replace related qualifications, data in TUP, determine the order and sequence of mastering qualifications in the specialty.
Amendments and additions were made to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31 October 2018 Year No. 604 "On the approval of state compulsory standards of education at all levels of education" by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 5 May 2020 Year No. 182. A norm has been introduced to enable the TVET organization to develop individual routes training for trainees in accordance with the needs of employers, taking into account the specifics of the region.
Also expanded the possibilities of modular training using dual training for different trajectories training with the development of working qualifications; working qualifications and a middle-level specialist; mid-level specialist.
In the absence of standard curricula and standard curricula for related qualifications within the same specialty, educational organizations, develop working curricula, using similar approach according to existing standard curricula and standard curricula.
Medical and sanitary training of students (girls) during the period of field training can be carried out in educational organizations under health worker guidance, which can be attracted from the educational organization itself or from.
Expanded opportunity division into subgroups for individual general education disciplines during laboratory work, practical exercises. for example, computer science, laboratory in chemistry and physics, foreign language, etc..
For students, who have mastered the work qualification and do not continue their education, final certification is carried out in the form of a qualification exam with the issuance of a diploma of technical and vocational education.
In the case of mastering the full program, a qualification exam for the level of skilled workers is carried out as part of the intermediate certification with the issuance of a certificate of vocational training, at the same time, the amount of study time for the final certification is allocated to professional practice in accordance with paragraphs 4-1) articles 39 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education".
In order to provide methodological assistance, Methodological recommendations for the development of working curricula have been developed, on the basis of updated standard curricula and programs for TVE specialties, Guidelines for the development of working training programs for the module (reviewed and approved by RUMS from 16.06.2017 G.). Methodological recommendations are posted on the website of NJSC "Talap" ( in the section "Methodological assistance".
- Relatively teaching general education disciplines
In order to ensure equal conditions for obtaining general secondary education in 2020-2021 academic year, students of educational institutions of technical and vocational education are switching to the development of curricula of general education disciplines according to the updated content.
Model curricula and programs of general education disciplines have been developed in accordance with the orders of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31 October 2018 Year No. 604 "On the approval of state compulsory standards of education at all levels of education" and from 8 november 2012 Year No. 500 "On the approval of standard curricula for elementary, basic secondary, general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The list and volume of general education disciplines in the system of technical and vocational education will be determined on the basis of the professional orientation of the content of education, taking into account profile training. Model curricula provide for the study 14 disciplines: 10 subjects are required to study, since the content of the subjects "Algebra and the beginning of analysis" and "Geometry" is represented by the discipline "Mathematics". Along with teaching compulsory disciplines, students are provided with a choice 4 major disciplines, respectively 2 disciplines of advanced and standard levels of education.
The compulsory general education disciplines, regardless of the profile, include: "Kazakh language" and "Kazakh literature" (for groups with the Kazakh language of instruction), "Russian language" and "Russian literature" (for groups with Russian language of instruction), "Kazakh language and literature" (for groups with Russian language of instruction), "Russian language and literature" (for groups with the Kazakh language of instruction), "Foreign language", "Mathematics", "Computer science", "History of Kazakhstan", "Self-knowledge", "Physical Culture", "Initial military and technological training".
Profile training is carried out on the basis of taking into account the individual interests and needs of students. In this regard, a flexible system for choosing disciplines at two levels of education is proposed.. The student, at his own discretion, chooses two disciplines of advanced and two disciplines of standard levels of education that are significant for him. More hours are allocated to major disciplines of advanced level, than on disciplines of the standard level. At the standard level, non-core disciplines are studied.
The disciplines of an in-depth level of education in the natural and mathematical profile include: "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography". In this direction of profile education, the disciplines of the standard level include: "The World History", "Biology", "Geography".
The disciplines of an in-depth level of education in the social and humanitarian profile include "World History", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography". In this direction of profile education, the disciplines of the standard level include: "Physics", "Chemistry", "Graphics and Design".
The updated content of general education disciplines focuses on learning outcomes. The volume and content is determined by standard curricula and standard curricula in accordance with the profile (direction).
Natural-mathematical profile - Metrology, standardization and certification; Geology, mining industry, mining, fire safety and emergency protection; Oil and gas production; Chemical production; Energy; Transportation (by industry), transport technology, transport operation; Connection, telecommunications and information technology; Construction and utilities; Technological machines and equipment; Metallurgy and mechanical engineering; Mechanization and electrification of agriculture; Professional education; service; Product technology, consumer goods; Food production technology; Catering; Veterinary medicine and ecology.
Social and humanitarian profile - Education; Medicine, pharmaceuticals; Art and culture, Economics and Management; Right; Hospitality; Tourism.
The total amount of hours for the development of curricula of general education disciplines is 1448 hours.
When conducting general education disciplines, it is allowed to divide the group into subgroups in urban TVE organizations when filling the group in 24 and more students, in rural 20 and more students during classes:
1) Kazakh language and literature - in groups with a non-Kazakh language of instruction;
2) Russian language and literature - in groups with a non-Russian language of instruction;
3) foreign language;
4) informatics;
5) physical culture.
If there are persons with special educational needs in the group, the group is completed on the basis of reducing the total number of students by three for each such student.
When choosing educational literature and manuals, it is necessary to be guided by the list in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17 May 2019 Year No. 217 “On approval of the list of textbooks, educational and methodical complexes, manuals and other additional literature, including on electronic media”.
Model curricula and programs in general education disciplines with updated content in the public domain are posted on the website of NJSC "Talap".
Model Curriculum
(updated content) in general education disciplines
technical and vocational education
with the Kazakh language of instruction
Right Leniye | Social and humanitarian | natural-mathematical | ||
Invariant component | ||||
Compulsory disciplines | ||||
| Academic disciplines | Quantity in class | Academic disciplines | Quantity in class |
1 | Mathematics | 120 | Mathematics | 180 |
2 | Informatics | 90 | Informatics | 90 |
3 | Kazakh language | 90 | Kazakh language | 60 |
4 | Kazakh literature | 90 | Kazakh literature | 60 |
5 | Russian language and literature | 120 | Russian language and literature | 120 |
6 | Foreign language | 120 | Foreign language | 120 |
7 | History of Kazakhstan | 90 | History of Kazakhstan | 90 |
8 | Self-knowledge | 60 | Self-knowledge | 60 |
9 | Physical Culture | 158 | Physical Culture | 158 |
10 | Basic military and technological training | 90 | Basic military and technological training | 90 |
Study load | 1028 |
| 1028 | |
Elective disciplines | ||||
advanced level: 2 disciplines in 150 hours | ||||
11 | Chemistry |
| Physics |
12 | Biology |
| Chemistry |
13 | The World History |
| Biology |
14 | Geography |
| Geography |
Study load | 300 |
| 300 | |
Elective disciplines | ||||
standard level: 2 disciplines in 60 hours | ||||
15 | Physics |
| Biology |
16 | Chemistry |
| Geography |
17 | Graphics and design |
| The World History |
Study load | 120 |
| 120 | |
Invariant teaching load | 1448 | |||
| |||
The amount of hours | 1448 |
Model Curriculum
(updated content) in general education disciplines
technical and vocational education
with Russian language of instruction
Direction | Social and humanitarian | natural-mathematical | ||
Invariant component | ||||
Compulsory disciplines | ||||
| Academic disciplines | Quantity in class | Academic disciplines | Quantity in class |
1 | Mathematics | 120 | Mathematics | 180 |
2 | Informatics | 90 | Informatics | 90 |
3 | Russian language | 90 | Russian language | 60 |
4 | Russian literature | 90 | Russian literature | 60 |
5 | Kazakh language and literature | 120 | Kazakh language and literature | 120 |
6 | Foreign language | 120 | Foreign language | 120 |
7 | History of Kazakhstan | 90 | History of Kazakhstan | 90 |
8 | Self-knowledge | 60 | Self-knowledge | 60 |
9 | Physical Culture | 158 | Physical Culture | 158 |
10 | Basic military and technological training | 90 | Basic military and technological training | 90 |
Study load | 1028 |
| 1028 | |
Elective disciplines | ||||
advanced level: 2 disciplines in 150 hours | ||||
11 | Chemistry |
| Physics |
12 | Biology |
| Chemistry |
13 | The World History |
| Biology |
14 | Geography |
| Geography |
Study load | 300 |
| 300 | |
Elective disciplines | ||||
standard level: 2 disciplines in 60 hours | ||||
15 | Physics |
| Biology |
16 | Chemistry |
| Geography |
17 | Graphics design |
| The World History |
Study load | 120 |
| 120 | |
Invariant teaching load | 1448 | |||
The amount of hours | 1448 |
Planning for the updated content of the OOD is carried out according to the annexes 7, 8 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 6 April 2020 Year No. 130 "On approval of the List of documents, obligatory for conducting teachers of organizations of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education, and their forms.
- Regarding evaluation educational achievements of students in the programs of technical and professional, post-secondary education
Assessment of educational achievements of students is carried out on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18 March 2008 year No. 125 "On approval of the Model Rules for the ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students for organizations of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education".
V 2020-2021 academic year assessment of knowledge/learning achievementsstudents of INTERMEDIATE COURSES is made according to a digital five-point system(5- "Great", 4-"Fine", 3-"satisfactorily", 2-unsatisfactory"), or on a 100-point scale, corresponding to the letter system accepted in international practice (positive ratings, descending, from «A» to «DIntegration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college, "unsatisfactory" – From February 1 to February 1 at the Almaty Kazakh State Humanitarian Pedagogical CollegeFIntegration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college) with the corresponding digital equivalent on a 4-point scale.
Academic achievements contribute to the active awareness of all participants in distance learning 1 courses are evaluated on a 100-point scale, corresponding to the letter system accepted in international practice.
The use of a point-rating letter system is mandatory for assessing the educational achievements of students 1 coursesall forms of education, as well as in the implementation of credit training technology.
The use of a point-rating letter system for assessing the educational achievements of students is carried out in accordance withwith Methodological recommendations on the use of a point-rating letter system for assessing educational achievements of students in the system of technical and professional, post-secondary education, developed by NAO "RequirementIntegration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college.
- Regarding the introduction of credit technology of education in the TVET system
The procedure for organizing the educational process on credit technology of education in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education is determined by the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the rules for organizing the educational process on credit technology of education” No. 152 from 20 April 2011 years with changes from 16 October 2018 of the year).
With credit technology of education, the academic year consists of academic periods, intermediate and final certification, practice and holidays.
The student's workload is measured in credits, mastered by him for each module or other types of educational work. One credit equals 30 academic hours, one academic hour is equal to 50 minutes.
With credit technology of education, independent work of students is divided into two parts: for independent work, which is carried out under the guidance of a teacher (SROP) and work, which is carried out completely independently (SROS).
The volume of each module is an integer number of credits. At the same time, the distribution of study time by type of training (theoretical training; laboratory and practical work, course projects and work; vocational training and/or professional practice) and forms of organization of training (auditorium, SROP, SROS) held in academic hours.
Ratio of time between classroom contact work, SROP and SROS for all types of educational activities are determined by the educational institution independently. At the same time, the volume of audit work and SROP is 1440 hours per year, SROS volume - 360 hours per year.
SROP is included in the general schedule of classes and is included in the mandatory paid workload of the teacher. The entire volume of SROS is confirmed by assignments, requiring the student to work independently on a daily basis.
When developing working curricula and programs for credit technology of education, it is necessary to be guided by the Appendix 3
to the state obligatory standard of technical and vocational education "Model of the curriculum of technical and vocational education with credit technology of education for the levels of skilled workers and mid-level specialist" and the Appendix to the state obligatory standard of post-secondary education "Model of the curriculum of post-secondary education" (Tale of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 31 October 2018 Year No. 604 "On approval of state compulsory standards of education at all levels of education"), and Model Curricula and Post-Secondary Education Plans (in the presence of).
6.Regarding the organization of the educational process for dual education
Dual training is regulated by the Rules for the organization of dual training (Tale of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 21 January 2016 Year No. 50).
The basis for dual training is the conclusion of a tripartite agreement on dual training, registered in the RPP register. It is necessary to work with the RPP according to the number of students, participating in dual education .
A model agreement on dual training was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28 January 2016 Year No. 93.
The educational organization, together with the enterprise, develops working curricula and programs based on the relevant standard curricula and programs.
Educational programs using dual training provide for theoretical training in educational institutions and at least sixty percent of industrial training, professional practice at the enterprise (organizations).
WITH 1 September 2020 year it is necessary to pay the mentor from the enterprise (organizations) in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Methodology for per capita normative financing of preschool education and training, middle, technical and professional, post-secondary education, as well as higher and postgraduate education, taking into account the credit technology of education "from 27 november 2017 Year No. 597.
The requirements of this subparagraph do not apply to enterprises (organizations), bearing the costs of dual training on their own. The requirements of this subparagraph do not apply to enterprises (organizations), bearing the costs of dual training on their own.
7.Regarding implementation reproductive health component
WITH 1 September 2020 years, it is recommended to introduce a component on reproductive health protection in the educational process of I-II courses of organizations 36 hours within the subject "Valeology". The course program was reviewed at a meeting of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council and recommended for implementation in the educational process (Protocol RUMS No. 1 of 15 July 2020 of the year). Posted on the NAO websiteRequirementIntegration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the
Purpose of the course: formation of ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. Introducing students to the world level of health culture, formation of motivations and the need for a healthy lifestyle, belief in the need for self-acquisition of knowledge on the preservation and restoration of health, eventually, achieve, that these knowledge and beliefs enter into the infrastructure of everyday life, labor, recreation. Developing a responsible attitude towards oneself in matters of reproductive health.
- Concerning Entrepreneurial Education
As part of the state assignment, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts training 42500 students of organizations of technical and vocational education on the basics of entrepreneurship in the period from September to December 2020 of the year
The course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" is planned to be held in 12 weeks, Accordingly, we recommend to provide in the schedule of the educational process 3 hours per week for the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" up to 15 December 2020 years in the first semester. Training on the basics of entrepreneurial activity will be conducted by teachers, passed advanced courses at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
College leaders need to create conditions for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students.
- Regarding the organization of training for students with special educational needs
In order to ensure the accessibility of the TVE system for people with special educational needs, the Classifier of specialties and qualifications of TVET provides for training in 70 specialties.
Additions have been made to the Model Rules for Admission to Training in a TVE Organization Regarding the Admission of Persons with SEN (BT certificate) (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.18 G. № 578).
There is an additional payment in per capita financing of TVE for teachers, working with this category of persons. The rate of expenditure of the educational process for children with SEN is calculated at a double rate (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.11.17 G. № 597).
To participate in the entrance examinations of children with disabilities and the disabled (visually impaired, hearing, functions of the musculoskeletal system) additionally, they can submit an application in any form addressed to the chairman of the state commission for granting:
1) separate audience;
2) assistant, not a teacher of subjects, taken as part of the entrance examination for disabled children and visually impaired children, functions of the musculoskeletal system, within ten working days after the state registration of this order to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (There are no watermarks or extraneous inscriptions on the images) specialist, sign language for disabled and hearing impaired children” (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.18 G. № 578).
Po 40 for TVE specialties, special training programs have been developed for mastering working qualifications by persons with mental retardation, taking into account the degree of the disease (light and moderate). Of them 20 programs approved (PDecree of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 553 from 31 October 2017 of the year "On the approval of standard curricula and standard curricula in the specialties of technical and vocational education").
Students with visual and hearing impairments are provided with an increased scholarship in the amount of – 29328 tenge. Necessary measures:
– Implementation of mobile advisory and methodological assistance to teachers, parents, children with special educational needs.
– Creation of accessibility and student-centered environment for students with OOP, improvement of the material and technical base of TVE organizations (equipping with special equipment, furniture, cadres, textbooks and educational-methodical complexes, ramps, ski lifts, elevators, etc.)
- Regarding the demo exam according to WorldSkills standards
In order to implement the SPPD on 2020-2025 For years, a new system for assessing the learning outcomes of students and graduates according to WorldSkills requirements has been introduced in the TVE system in the form of a demonstration exam as one of the forms of the qualification exam. To 2025 year it is planned to increase the share of state technical and technological colleges, conducting demonstration exams according to WorldSkills requirements up to 100%.
The demonstration exam provides for a procedure for demonstrating and independent expert assessment of practical skills, the level of knowledge and skills in the conditions of modeling real services and production processes according to the requirements of WorldSkills.
A demonstration exam in TVE organizations can be conducted in the form of an intermediate certification as a qualification exam and a final certification in the form of passing the final (integrated) exams. And also as an independent assessment of the quality of graduate training (certification).
The duration of the demonstration of practical skills is not more than 12 hours per examinee. The task for the demonstration exam is developed by an expert group of TVE organizations and agreed with NAO "Talap".
Assessment of learning outcomes of students and graduates is carried out using the CIS system (Competition Information System) specialized software for processing information during a demonstration exam or WorldSkills championship. Access to the system is provided by NJSC "Talap" in accordance with the established requirements.
It is necessary to provide for the cost of conducting demo exams within the framework of per capita funding.
Recommendations for organizing and conducting a demonstration exam posted on the websites of NJSC "Talap" and www.worldskills.kzdemo exam tab.
- Regarding the Classifier specialties and qualifications of TVE
In the current Classifier of specialties and qualifications of technical and vocational education, approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27 September 2018 Year No. 500 (Further – classifier), provided 15 education profiles, 278 specialties and 1614 qualifications.
A new Classifier of specialties and qualifications of TVE has been developed and approved, which is aligned with the directions of the International Standard Classification of Education, National Qualifications Framework, National classifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (PrikazMinister of Education and Science RK No. 530 from 10 December 2019 of the year, put into effect 1 September 2020 of the year).
Qualifications are combined in the new Classifier and VET (enlarged) given the identity of the training, integration of some specialties into one. Specialties excluded, for which preparation has not been carried out for several years, as well as new specialties were introduced based on the results of monitoring the labor market, atlas of professions. In one specialty are provided from 2 to 5 related qualifications.
The classifier provides 633 qualifications of workers and mid-level specialists in 215 specialties. As a result of consolidation of specialties and qualifications, the student will have more degrees of freedom to apply his knowledge in a variety of industries and will be more mobile in the labor market.
- Regarding the State Program for the Development of Productive Employment "Enbek".
The list of participants of the Program has been expanded: due to the need to be present in laboratories 9-11 classes of current and previous years, persons, who do not have a vocational education and enrolled in educational institutions, persons, job seekers and the unemployed, members of low-income families.
Applicants can participate in the Program regardless of registration in employment centers.
The opportunity was given to the participants of the program to study not only for working qualifications, but also for the qualification of a “Middle-Level Specialist” free of charge. In case of expulsion of a Program participant, it is allowed to transfer or enroll in available vacancies not during the vacation period, indicating categories.
The organization of personnel training is carried out in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Rules for organizing and financing the training of personnel with technical and vocational education, short-term vocational training, under the project "Eternal country youth - to industry!Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college ("Momentum"), retraining of labor resources and layoffs, training of qualified personnel in demanded specialties in the labor market within the framework of the Zhasmaman project on the basis of the “100/200” principle, as well as teaching the basics of entrepreneurship in technical and vocational organizations, post-secondary education, higher and (There are no watermarks or extraneous inscriptions on the images) postgraduate education, approved by the authorized body in the field of education" from 26 november 2018 Year No. 646.
- 13. Regarding the project "Zhas maman"
Project "Zhas maman" (further - the project "Zhas maman") developed in accordance with the instructions of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Head of state N.A. Nazarbaeva, given at the opening ceremony of the Year of Youth (23 January 2019 of the year), at the XVIII ordinary congress of the party "Hұp Otan" (27February 2019 of the year).
For these purposes, the Roadmap for the Year of Youth has been approved (PPRK from 30.01.2019 G. № 27 P. 9), providing for the development of the national project "Zhastar – The pillar of the country", including the Zhas Maman project – training of qualified specialists according to the “100/200” principle.
The Zhas Maman project is being implemented for the period 2019-2021 years in accordance with the State Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship in 2017 – 2021 years "Work".
Currently, the Zhas Maman project has been launched and the goal is to modernize 180 colleges and 20 universities and training of qualified specialists in 100 the most demanded professions according to the requirements of the labor market (employers).
When compiling the list of professions in demand, the main priorities of strategic, government and industry programs, implemented in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides for the technological modernization of basic and the creation of new industries using the technologies of the Industry 4.0, digitalization of the economy and creation of innovation infrastructure.
The Rules for organizing and financing the training of personnel with technical and vocational education were approved, short-term vocational training, under the project "Eternal country youth - to industry!Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college ("Momentum"), retraining of labor resources and layoffs, training of qualified personnel in demanded specialties in the labor market within the framework of the Zhas Maman project according to the 100/200 principle, as well as teaching the basics of entrepreneurship in colleges and universities " (further - Rules).
The rules regulate the conditions and mechanism for the selection of colleges and higher education institutions, foreign partners, equipment list, financing and timing of monitoring the implementation of the Zhas Maman project.
The Commission for the implementation of the project "Zhas Maman" was created, which includes representatives of sectoral government bodies, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", industry associations, national companies. The tasks of the Commission are the competitive selection of colleges, universities, list of equipment and foreign partner.
Also, in accordance with the Rules, akimats of regions and cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent created Regional commissions. By decision of the Commission, a list of 180 colleges and 20 universities, approved list of equipment. This list has been compiled taking into account WorldSkills standards and based on proposals from industry associations, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", as well as akimats of regions and cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.
Memorandums of cooperation were signed within the framework of the Zhas Maman project between the Ministry and the akimats of the regions and the city. Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent.
According to the Rules, akimats of regions and cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent are working on the purchase and acceptance of equipment as part of targeted transfers from the republican budget, provided for in 2020 year.
Besides, in order to ensure transparency in the supply and acceptance of equipment, representatives of the anti-corruption service and business are included in the commission in the regions.
Full information about the project "Zhasmaman" is available on the website of NJSC "Talap" – Operator for the implementation of the project "Zhasmaman".
Link –
- 14. Regarding the provision of textbooks and educational and methodological complexes
On the website of NJSC "Talap" for public access posted 600 names of foreign educational literature,200 training manuals for professional modules, 20 thousands of study guides, video lessons and digital resources in all specialties according to the Classifier.