A joint project on "Creativity of future teachers" was defended

Almaty City Education Department under the organization of the Scientific and Methodological Center of New Technologies in City Education №1 ACMGPK, No. 2 of the teachers of AMHPK and AHPK colleges, A project on "Creativity of future teachers" was developed with the participation of graduates…

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Pedagogical creativity of future teachers (28-30 January, 2020Pedagogical creativity of future teachers)

Despite the transition to the distance learning mode, the college, according to the educational and methodical work plan, on the topic "I am a master of my work" in November, Methodological week, traditionally organized in April, is online 28-30 held in April. Methodical week…

Continue Reading Pedagogical creativity of future teachers (28-30 January, 2020Pedagogical creativity of future teachers)

The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning! The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning! The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning!

The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning, The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning - не мёртвым! Это надо - живым! Роберт Рождественский)           9 May 2020 года День Победы!  75 лет со дня окончания страшной

Continue Reading The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning! The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning! The college is in accordance with the curriculum, regardless of the transition to distance learning!

24.02-05.03.2020 Decade of the subject-cycle commission "General and Vocational Education" "Seven Wonders of the World"

«Жалпы және кәсіптік білім беру» пәндік –циклдік комиссиясының мүшелері Колледж директоры міндетін атқарушы Г.М.Ходжабергенова декаданы ашты.ПЦК төрайымы А.А.Капасова іс-шараның өткізілу жоспарымен таныстырды.Апта барысында өткізілген іс шаралар: Декада аясында «Қазақстанның жеті кереметі»

Continue Reading 24.02-05.03.2020 Decade of the subject-cycle commission "General and Vocational Education" "Seven Wonders of the World"

18.02.-28.02.2019 Members of the subject-cycle commission "General and Vocational Education" College

Essay writing was assigned to students participating in the optional classes "Abai's knowledge" and "Oratory": Integrity in ensuring the interests of the individual in the new educational paradigm, strong validity with orientation (fundamentality) follow the need. Teaching staff of PCC PzhP- 20 makes a teacher. ПЦК оқытушыларының әдістемелік тақырыбы «Кәсіби әдістемелік

Continue Reading 18.02.-28.02.2019 Members of the subject-cycle commission "General and Vocational Education" College

Integrity in ensuring the interests of the individual in the new educational paradigm!Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college

Integrity in ensuring the interests of the individual in the new educational paradigm 175 жыл толуына арналғн «Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті және әдістемелері» пәндік циклдық комиссиясының апталығы Апталықтың алғашқы күні «Бала Абайдан - дана Абайға» атты драмалық қойылым болды. Абай

Continue Reading Integrity in ensuring the interests of the individual in the new educational paradigm!Integration of the program of spiritual and moral education "Self-knowledge" into a single pedagogical process of the college

He answered teachers' questions on the bill.

05.01.2020 колледжге ҚР Парламенті Сенатының депутаты Айтпаева Сауле Муханбедиановна және Алматы қаласы білім Басқармасының ТКББ бөлімі бастығы Асет Ғарифуллейович Муханбетов колледждің педагогикалық ұжымына 2020 in 31 желтоқсанда Мемлекет басшысы қол

Continue Reading He answered teachers' questions on the bill.