The director of the college Magishat Taskalievna conveyed congratulations of the college staff

No. 1 in Almaty Kazakh State Humanitarian and Pedagogical College 2022 of the year 15 қарашасында «Жұмыс берушілер күні» іс-шарасы ұйымдастырылды. Essay writing was assigned to students participating in the optional classes "Abai's knowledge" and "Oratory": Effective cooperation with employers was established to improve the quality of specialist training. Business…

Continue Reading The director of the college Magishat Taskalievna conveyed congratulations of the college staff

International cooperation is the basis of continuous development

Development of international cooperation in the field of education is a requirement of our time. Бүгін колледжге Қырғызстан Респуб­­ли­ка­сы­ның Таштан Эрматов атындагы Бішкек музыкалык-педагогикалык колледжінің ұстаздары келді. Бұл шара оқу орнымыздың оқу, Book of registration of departed students for secondary education, practice, әдістемелік жұмыстарын

Continue Reading International cooperation is the basis of continuous development