"Day of self-management in a modern school"

2024 of the year 19 Almaty city in April, Turksib district, WorldSkills Almaty on the basis of general education school #76 2024 аймақтық чемпионаты мен техникалық және кәсіптік білім беру ұйымдарының айлығы аясында №1Алматы қазақ

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During the ceremony with the history of the college

2024of the year 17 "Open Day" was organized in Almaty Kazakh humanitarian and pedagogical college No. 1 in April. To the open door 200 Alatau of the city of Almaty, Freedom, Turksib, Success, General education school of Almaly districts, мектеп-гимназияларының 9-сынып

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Gamification – a tool to interest and motivate students

2024 of the year 6 наурызында колледж базасында Алматы қаласы Білім басқармасы қалалық білім берудегі жаңа технологиялардың ғылыми - әдістемелік орталығының жоспарына енгізілген «Геймификация - студенттерді сабаққа қызықтыру және ынталандыру құралы» тақырыбындағы

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At the educational institution 9 On January, a practical training seminar was held on the topic "Improvement and development of information competences of teachers".. Essay writing was assigned to students participating in the optional classes "Abai's knowledge" and "Oratory": By using digital technologies in a practical way, оқытушылардың АКТ құзыреттіліктерін дамыту; Жылдық жоспарға сәйкес


City seminar on the topic "Internship in Europe as a bonus for improving the quality of education in a college environment."

20 General assessment of the state of physical training 2023 in college in Sweden, A city seminar was held based on the results of the international training of teachers held in Finland. According to the updated program: Internship in Europe as a bonus to improve the quality of education in a college environment. and Tugelbayeva A: Халықаралық

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13 On December, "I AM A BOOKWORM", a city competition on the works of foreign literature writers was held among college students of Almaty city based on the content of the study program.. Іс-шараның

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The young generation is educated, conscious, becoming comprehensive is always important for the future of the nation

The young generation is educated, conscious, becoming comprehensive is always important for the future of the nation. And influence it- First of all, it is the responsibility of educational institutions and parents. Оқу орнында «Білім беру үрдісіндегі

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"We will continuously continue the work in the direction of raising the status of the state language"

Language is not only related to past history, a tool that connects the present and the future. Head of State K.K. Tokayev "We will continuously continue the work to raise the status of the state language",- was said. Almaty City Department of Education City Education…

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International cooperation was established with the Beijing Institute of Youth Policy

International cooperation is one of the important directions of the strategic plan of the college development. It is to show the work of the educational institution in the world experience field, technological achievements of leading educational institutions, to world standards…

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Republican parents' forum "Continuity of generations".

The republican parents' forum "Continuity of Generations" was held in Astana, the capital of the country. The purpose of the forum is to discuss current issues in the education of the next generation, to pay attention to the importance of family institution and parental responsibility, succession of generations in the educational process…

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